Received a Bailiff Visit Letter? Here’s What You Must Do Next
When you owe a debt to someone, it can’t be that shocking to get a visit letter from a bailiff; bailiffs also go by the name of enforcement agents. The job of these officers is to collect the debt from the people who owe a debt to their private clients or banks.
The letter sent by bailiffs is called a notice of enforcement which talks about their anticipated visit to your home in the coming days. Legally bailiffs are likely to visit your home seven days after they have sent you notice of enforcement.
It might get challenging to understand what to do next after receiving a letter of enforcement from a bailiff. Getting in touch with experts for debt advice in the UK seems like a sensible idea at this stage. The experts at Bailiff Help Now will guide you in understanding how to deal with bailiffs when they show up at your doorstep and advise you on how to work overpaying the debt you owe to the creditors. It is also vital to have knowledge about your rights while you deal with a legal agent who holds more authority than you in the situation. Although they have a certain level of authority, they still have to adhere to the law and knowledge about your rights will help you deal with a Bailiff in the best way possible.
When you are looking for ways to stop bailiff from visiting your home, you must get in touch with the experts, find the solutions, understand what you can do next after receiving the notice of enforcement. The seven days of notice period gives you the time to talk to your creditors if you need negotiation or any settlement; you can talk about repaying the debt in the meantime before you have to encounter the bailiff. You can always get in touch with the agencies that help you through the process if you are not aware of what exactly you should be doing in this matter.
Be sure if you actually owe the debt you have been sent the notice for
Go through the letter entirely to be clear if you are liable for the debt, and here’s what you can do when you don’t owe the debt.
When you don’t owe any debt, or you could have already paid your debt, bailiffs won’t legally be allowed to your home or take any action against you.
Be sure to gather enough evidence to show you are not responsible for the debt they are claiming on you after you receive the notice of enforcement. Send the evidence to the bailiffs with a letter explaining to them that you don’t owe them any money. You will easily find their address on the notice of enforcement.
How deal with the debt when you owe it?
The first and foremost and the most obvious thing you can do is gauge if you can afford to pay your debt; if you do, call the bailiffs right away to pay. You will most likely find their number on the notice of enforcement. This way, you can avoid them visiting you, and you will also be saved from paying the extra fees they charge for the visit.
Do not forget to ask for the receipt for your payment; it is always feasible to have proof in your hands in case you ever need it as evidence.
There’s always a way to find the middle ground when you can’t afford to pay your whole debt or even anything at all. Try to negotiate with the bailiffs and pay a smaller amount to get the debt written off.
Prepare for a bailiff visit
You are certainly under the obligation of paying your debt, but you can keep bailiffs from entering your home. You can take your time to make an arrangement or call for some debt advice in the UK; experts at Bailiff Help Now are available for you any time; speak of the day, speak to our qualified advisors for free. We can help you with writing off up to 75% of any debts.